Thursday, July 16, 2009

DIY 7/16/09

Good Afternoon Blog Friends!!

WOW it has been a crazy week, But I decided to make the time Participate in Kimba's DIY party... I knew I had to tackle the spice cabinet one day so instead of putting it off today was the day. I get so mad when I'm looking for a spice and can't find it, looking in the back and everything starts falling out. So below is my solution!! Whatcha think?
( and at $1.00 per basket I was trilled)



Happy Thursday Everyone!!!


Nicole A. said...

Looks awesome! I desperately need to do this! Yours looks awesome!

Sandy said...

Love, love love baskets. You've just displayed a new one. It looks so easy to use.

Kammy said...

So, nice and tidy !
Great job !
Hugs ~ KAMMY